Using hashtags in Sandglaz: productivity hacks
One of the most popular features of Sandglaz is the Twitter-like hashtag that allows you to filter through your tasks. Hashtags can give you a great productivity boost, especially if you combine them with these hashtag hacks.
How hashtags work
To use hashtags in Sandglaz, you can simply add the # character in front of a word. Sandglaz will turn that word into a hashtag, and if you click on it you will be able to see all the tasks using that tag, in past, present and future milestones.
Hashtags as categories
Perhaps the most common way to use hashtags is to tag tasks that share characteristics. You can easily find common threads among your tasks For example, if you have a Marketing grid, you might tag some tasks with #design, #blog or #social. Categorizing your tasks will allow you to have more clarity about what needs to be done and where those things fit within your workflow.
Hashtags as subtasks
Another great way to use hashtags is as subtasks. When you need to tackle a big task, it's a good idea to break it down into smaller, manageable tasks. This way you're ensuring that you won't be standing paralyzed in front of that task and that you'll be able to get started. In the end, the key to overcoming procrastination is just starting somewhere… anywhere.
Hashtags as recurring themes
I personally have many daily tasks where I have to use certain tools, like an application or website. I tag my tasks using the name of that application. This allows me to do everything related to that tool at once. I tackle all the #Uservoice tasks at once, then all the #Wordpress tasks after, and so on. And this can be applied to any recurring theme in your list of tasks. Doing related things at once can dramatically improve your productivity. This is because when we switch from one task to another, our brains find it difficult to cut out distractions, not to mention the switching-time costs, especially when it comes to complex tasks.
Hashtags as workplace context
If you have multiple workspaces, you are probably doing different types of work in each of them. You might be writing your blog posts in a coffee shop, and do better design work when you're at home. You can use the work context as a task hashtag, for example #home, #office or #coffeeshop. It's important for you to know what kind of work here you do your best work. Ensuring that you're doing the right thing in the right place at the right time can really boost your productivity.
Use multiple hashtags
Using multiple hashtags can help you answer the question "What should I get started on next?" Sandglaz allows you to filter on more than one hashtag at once. For example, you can filter in on "blog" and "coffee shop" and you will quickly see all the tasks that you need to get done on the blog while you're at the coffee shop. When you filter on a couple of tasks, Sandglaz offers you even more flexibility in prioritizing.
Whether you use Sandglaz hashtags on your computer or mobile device, they can surely improve your focus and boost your productivity.
How do you you use hashtags? Do you have any unusual ways? Let us know in the comments below.